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- Log into the Race website admin area using your email address and password.
- Click "Record Entry" in the Process Transactions section of the admin area landing page.
- Enter all donor information, including amount, check number, and deposit date.
- Deposit the check at the bank.
- log into the Race website admin area using the email address and password that was sent to you
- click "Capture Funds" in the Process Transactions section of the admin area landing page
- enter all donor information
- choose the ACH/eCheck tab in the payment information area and insert the routing number, account number, and check number
- don't deposit the check at the bank, though save the check should there are any issues.
- insert their sponsored student’s name in the note section of the check
- make the check payable to [name of organization]
- note that the cancelled check will be their receipt
- use the address you give them for mailing
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Depending on the size of your school, the location of the event, and availability of staff, you might schedule the event for one day or multiple days. Here is one school's schedule:
- 5th grade: Friday, May 19, 2-3:00 p.m.
- 4th grade: Wednesday, May 24, 9:15-10:15 a.m.
- 3rd grade: Monday, May 22, 2-3:00 p.m.
- 2nd grade: Tuesday, May 23, 2-3:00 p.m.
- 1st grade: Thursday, May 25, 2-3:00 p.m.
- Kindergarten: Wednesday, May 24, 2-3:00 p.m.
While detailed information was sent home to parents, sometimes the information gets misplaced, in which case, you may receive a call. Here are likely questions and answers.
What do we tell people about contributing to my student?
To make a tax-deductible contribution online (preferred):
- Click this link or type in the following website address in your computer’s browser: education.fcps.org/[school's initials]
- Click on the “Race” tab and then the “Donate” button on the next page.
- On the Donate page, you will see a box that shows the name of the student you are sponsoring when you begin typing that name. If you are sponsoring more than one student, please submit the first form, which will then give you an online receipt and a button that you should click to return to the Donate page for your second contribution.
To contribute by check
- insert their sponsored student’s name in the note section of the check
- make the check payable to [name of organization]
- note that the canceled check will be their receipt
- use the address you give them for mailing
Ask how many paper donor forms are needed, and tell the caller that you will send them home with the student.
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